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Press Release | AD Summit

Red Hill, PA July, 2022--


[RED HILL, PA, JUNE 9, 2022] — During the week of June 6, members of the Stauffer Glove & Safety team attended the Affiliated Distributor (AD) Safety Network Partnership Conference to celebrate the best PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) distributors and their teams. For 40 years, AD (Affiliated Distributor), a member-owned organization, has celebrated the growth of independent distributors and supply partners to dominate the market and stay ahead of competitors.  

Company owners, Kelly, and Randall Stauffer, along with Strategic Sourcing Manager, Allison Adams traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada to accept the awards on behalf of Stauffer Glove & Safety. Awards were presented to those who: 

  • Outperformed the market 

  • Excelled in marketing, leadership, & giving back 

  • Recognized as the best AD workplace

(Pictured Right: Kelly Stauffer, Randall Stauffer, and Allison Adams accepting the member of the year award on behalf of Stauffer Glove & Safety) 

At the summit, Stauffer Glove & Safety was awarded member of the year. “We just want to thank all the employees for their long-term commitment and success. We would not be here without them” said Kelly, 5th generation owner of the company. When asked about Stauffer Glove & Safety’s success over the years, she said “You must have the relationships to do business. Having those long-term relationships is so beneficial. So many suppliers have worked alongside us for so long.” 

(Pictured Left: Kelly Stauffer giving a speech) 

Allison Adams was one of many women who took home an award that day, claiming the MVP award and proving that women do have a place in the safety industry. When asked about her accomplishment Adams said, “I am honored that the Stauffer Family and AD nominated and chose me to be the AD MVP! Even though it is an individual award, it truly is a team effort to accomplish the things that we have done in the short amount of time I have been with Stauffer.” 

(Pictured Right: Allison Adams accepting her award and giving a speech)

Even after being in the safety industry for over 115 years, Stauffer Glove & Safety still has the drive to stay at the top of the market.  

Full list of winners for members/suppliers of the year: 

• 2021 Member of the Year Tier 2 - Stauffer Glove & Safety

• 2021 Member of the Year Tier 1 - Broner Glove and Safety

• 2021 Supplier of the Year Tier 2 - Protective Industrial Products

• 2021 Supplier of the Year Tier 1 - SureWerx

(Tiers are defined based on the size of the company. Tier 1 is large companies, and Tier 2 is small companies. These Tiers make it so that small companies also have chance to win without big companies dominating the board.)